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Man-Midwifery Exposed and Corrected
Gregory, Samuel
Published by George Gregory, New York
Location of original: Countway Rare Books, Harvard University
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the fittest champion, in view of the impending danger,---it is to be regretted that, from the poor opinion of the cause in which he was engaged, or some other reason, he should have withheld his own proper name, appearing only as a 'Physician;' otherwise he might have been handed down as worthy of the eternal gratitude of posterity, perhaps side by side with that great obstetric benefactor, Dr. Slop. And if he is now living, he will probably be ambitious to step forward and claim the paternity of his offspring, as it is now of age, and like to be 'known in the world.'
The two physicians, who had been so forgetful of their obligations to the brotherhood of the Medical Society, as to recommend the midwife, soon desisted, as report says, from the course they had taken; for what reasons it would probably be easy to guess; but it could not have been from having become disbelievers in the safety of employing midiwives.

High Authority in Boston.

It may be doing justice to the two eminent medical gentlemen who were more particularly active in introducing the midwife, before named, into practice in this city, and whose commendable endeavors, as I am informed, were a matter of notoriety at the time---it may, I say, be doing them injustice to withhold their names, as being on the right side in regard to this most important subject; it is, at any rate, doing injustice to the cause. However, the reader may rest assured that their authority, in regard to the safety and propriety of employing females in the practice of midwifery, is as good as can be found in Boston, and perhaps in the world.
There are, moreover, several other of the oldest and most distinguished physicians of this city, who, I am satisfactorily informed, have expressed themselves in favor of employing midwives. One of them (whose interest would lead him to speak otherwise) remarked to an acquaintance, at the time of the 'Lectures' here last fall, that he did not care how many midwives they had, if they were only qualified. A gentleman states, that another eminent physician here said, in his hearing, that he thought it rather small business for physicians to be engaged in this women's work.
An elderly and excellent man very recently told me, that one of the two physicians alluded to recommended Mrs. Alexander to him, as

a midwife, and said it was as safe to employ her as any physician. He even presented some reasons why it was better to have a female attendant: one was, she had more time, could wait, and not be hurried away by other duties; another was, she being all the time in that particular branch of practice, her mind was upon it, and she became more familiar with the minutiae of the business than the physician who attends to all branches of medicine; a third reason he gave was, that she was more properly qualified by nature for this duty.
Excellent authority! Admirable arguments in favor of midwives!
So it appears that here in Boston, the head-quarters and stronghold of man-midwifery, the oldest and most eminent medical men are in favor of the employment of females in the practice of midwifery.
These facts are very encouraging, and lead us to believe that as soon as the public shall demand a change, the most eminent and influential physicians will openly and boldly cooperate with them in bringing it about. Boston is in a measure the depot of Fashion for New England, and here, where this absurd custom was first introduced, is the place where its correction should commence; and as is the fountain so will be the streams. There is here abundance of wealth, and public spirit, and moral principle, to carry out any enterprise which the general good requires. Surely, then, an object, which is recommeded by the common sense of mankind and their innate ideas of the fitness of things, cannot long remain in need of the influence and aid requisite for its accomplishment.
The first thing needed is a suitable degree of knowledge upon the subject, to make its importance duly appreciated. Let, then, those who have correct ideas endeavor to enlighten others. Let every man, in public or private, communicate the information he possesses, and exert his influence. Let every woman who detests the present practice endeavor to inspire the same feeling in the minds of her acquaintances; and it will not be long before the community will be leavened. Public instruction and diplomas for midwives are the things to be aimed at, but women should not lose time by waiting for them. They should read books on midwifery, and those who have the practical knowlege should assist others in acquiring it.
But let us now inquire whether it is safer to employ men or women as midwives.
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