not to be permitted
to hear such lectures---the arguments in favor of midwives and against men-meddlers,---especially
they ought not to hear the exposure of medical depravity, lest it should
corrupt their morals. Perhaps the 'married men,' to whom the lectures were
addressed, feel competent to listen to an important subject, and then judge
for themselves. Physicians dictate in the obstetric room, and often tell
the husbands they 'can't come in;' but when 'married men' wish to attend
a public lecture, they may not think it necessary to ask leave of their
But, says the critic, 'the lecture which we attended was publicly announced
to be for married men. This was another contrivance, under the semblance
of extreme delicacy, to gather a crowd. There were young men present who
were not old enough to assume the reponsibilities of a married life, besides
numbers who would not if they could.'
The door-keeper was not authorized to demand the 'marriage certificate'
of those who presented themselves, and it is not easy to tell by a man's
looks precisely whether he is married or not; and the Journal does not pretend
to say that there were any there younger than 'young men.' But by what sort
of physiological or physiognomical science he ascertained that there were
'numbers who would not if they could,' does not appear; but the insinuation
is as unhandsome as it is unjust to the gentlemen assembled there; for not
a more respectable or attentive audience could be found in this or any other
city. Hear the testimony of a non-professional editor upon this matter.
The Boston Traveller, in a notice of 'Lectures to Married Men,' says, 'We
took occasion to listen to Mr. Gregory, on Thursday evening, and came to
the conclusion that it was a subject of importance; and the audience, which
was evidently composed of thinking, candid men, manifested a high degree
of interest. Considering the course which Mr. G. takes, of inviting in married
men only, we can see no impropriety in enlightening the public; every one
may then be his own judge in the matter.'
In fact, so far from being improper to inform those 'who are not old enough
to assume the responsibilities of married life,' it is highly important
that young men and young women should, in season, have instilled into their
minds an abhorrence of this demoralizing practice. The next day after one
of my lectures, a young married man, an entire
stranger, who
had heard the lecture, stopped me in the street, shook my hand very cordially,
and said he was exceedingly gratified that he had become informed seasonably
in regard to this subject. Others have said, 'If I had known before what
I do now, I should have done differently from what I have."
In order to correct the iniquities which grow out of this and other medical
duties, it is absolutely necessary to expose them to public view; and he
who condemns the exposure, prefers the continuance of them. The greatest
danger is, that it will excite in the minds of still greater numbers of
young men a desire to study medicine---wild young men having, as
Dr. Ewell says, 'great curiosity about women.' Just to show how the mind
sometimes runs: A gentleman in Weymouth said to me, that he had a medical
student boarding with him, teaching the district school, to pay the expenses
of his medical tuition. It happened that on one occasion they were sitting
up after midnight; and the gentleman remarked to the student, 'Well, sir,
it is about time you were abed.' 'O,' said he, 'never mind; I must get toughened
to it; I shall have to be up taking care of the women'!!! In the name of
decency and morality, cut off such allurements to those interesting and
curious young men; cut off the golden bait which accompanies the other attractions;
let 'taking care of the women' be given up to women; and it would
tend to check the rush of young men into the medical profession. And this
would be of essential benefit to those already in practice; for no physician
can now go to bed with any feeling of security, that when he steps out in
the morning he will not see the sign of young Dr. Somebody for his
next door neighbor.
Having noticed the main points in the criticism of the Medical and Surgical
Journal, we now come to a valuable item in it---very valuable, from the
high source from which it emanates. The editor thinks 'the idea that the
whole system of obstetric medicine can be changed,' by such humble means,
is utterly 'preposterous.' He finds fault with the authority,' not
only as regards the lecturer, but with that drawn from professional sources.
But perhaps he will admit such testimony as this work presents from eminent
medical men, 'in good and regular standing,' and also such evidence
as is obtained from his excellent Journal, and certainly that derived from
himself. Here it is:
'We should be perfectly satisfied to have |