Lincoln Ss. Hallowell October 3 1789 -- By Virtue of this Warrant to
me directed I have notified & warned the Inhabitants of the Town of
Hallowell qualified to vote in Town affairs to meet at the Meeting house
in said Town at the time & for the Purposes mentioned in this warrant
by giving the persons warning or leving verbial notice at there usial
places of abode in said Town. Thom Fillebrown Constable of Hallowell --
At a Legal meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of Hallowell held
agreeable to notification on Tuesday the sixth Day of October A.D. 1789--
1st Voted & Choose Mr. Ephm. Ballard
2d Voted to Dismiss this act. in Warrant
3d Voted to choose a Committee of five to take into consideration
the request of Mr. Foster &