Also another Warrant of the Same Tenor, and for the Same purpose was
committed to George Botton, Constable, for to warn the Northerly part
of the town of Hallowell, and executed by him accordingly
Att a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Hallowell,
Legally Notified and held att the Meetinghouse
in said Town on Wednesday the Eleventh day of May AD 1785. The Meeting
being opened proceeded to Begin as followeth. Viz.
Voted to send a Representative to the General Court the year ensuing
Voted. Then, and chose Joseph North Esq. as a Representative for the year
Ensuing, for this Town
Voted and chose Mr. Saml.
Bullen Moderator
Voted under the second article, to dismiss said article
Voted under the third article and chose Capt. Henry Sewall,
Dr. Daniel Cony, & Joseph North Esq. for said Committee.
Voted under the fourth article, that Mr. Noah Woodward be a person as
a committee for this Town to go with Mr. Isaac Savage 2nd, to make Enquiry
and Examination, disputing the Tax that was committed to said Savage to
collect, in order, if possible, to estimate and determine what is yet
Voted under the sixth article, that the Committee be continued, for to
prosecute the business, respecting the Ministerial Lott of Land.
Voted to remit to Mr. Moses Case his Tax that was in Mr. Ephraim
Ballard, Tax Assessor
Voted to dissolve this meeting.