Hallowell Viz. To Thomas Fillebrown, Constable of said town,
172 |
Greeting |
1st |
In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby required
forthwith to notify and warn the inhabitants of said town, qualified to
vote for a Representative to meet at the Meeting House in said town, on
Monday the fourth day of May next, at one o' clock, afternoon, To choose
a person to represent the town in the General Court to be holden at Boston,
the last Wednesday of May next -- also
To choose a Moderator,
2d |
To choose a Agent, if the Town thinks proper. |
3d |
To see if theTown will limit the time in which the Collectors
of taxes shall application for any abatements thereof.
4th |
To see if the Town will pass any vote respecting the assessment
of the settlement that was granted Mr. Foster.
5th |
To see if the Town will choose a Committee to confer with
Mr. Foster on his proposals for a final settlement with the Town , and act
thereon as the Town shall think proper. Hereof fail not & make return
hereon to us, or either of us at or before the time said meeting. Given
under our hands & seal this fourteenth day of April in the year of our
Lord one thousand seven hundred & eighty nine. |
Joseph North |
} |
Selectmen of Hallowell. |
James Carr |
D. Cony |
Lincoln Ss. Hallowell, May 2d 1789. |
By virtue of this Warrant, I have notified the inhabitants of the said
town of Hallowell qualified as mentioned in said to meet at the time &
place directed in said Warrant Viz. at the Meeting house in said town
by posting a true copy of the warrant at the said Meeting house door fifteen
days at least before the Time set forth in said Warrant agreeable to a
vote of the Town.
Thomas Fillebrown, Constable of Hallowell.
Thomas Fillebrown |
} |
Constable of Hallowell.