58. |
years from the time of ordination.
Then voted, and chose Benjamin Pettingill
esq. Capt. Henry Sewall, Daniel Cony, Capt. Enoch Page & Mr. Nathaniel
Hearsey, as a Committee to wait upon Mr. Isaac Foster, and acquaint him
him with the vote of this meeting. |
Then dissolved the meeting. Sam Bullen, Moderator
Extract from the Minutes, Attest. D. Cony, Town Clerk. |
1786 |
To the Church and people of God in Hallowell.
Hon., and beloved,
It having pleased God, the great disposer
of all events, to incline this Church &People to invite me
to settle with them in the work of the Gospel Ministry, after seeking
to him for direction in so important an enterprise and using every
means for the investigation of truth; taking under consideration
the union which at present subsists, with the generosity that appears among you. I
view it my duty and do hereby signify my acceptance of your Call to settle among you in the work of the Gospel Ministry.
Sensible of my own insufficiency for these things, and the great
need I stand in of Divine teaching and support, I entreat
your pious and fervent prayers for me, who am willing to become your servant
for Chirst's sake. Should so near a connection take place in a course
of Providence, permit me, my Brethren, to rely on your candor,
while I faithfully improve the talent God has given me for your spiritual
good; and trust you will watch over me in the Lord as becometh
I am, Hon., and beloved, your friend,
and humble servant,
Isaac Foster. |
Hallowell, Augt. 5. A.D.1786.
To the Church & People of Hallowell. |
Lincoln ss. The Selectmen of the town of Hallowell, to Mr.
Benjamin Brown, Constable of said town, Greeting.
In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts,
you are required forthwith to notify and warn all the inhabitants of the
town of Hallowell, qualified by law to vote in town affairs, to meet at
the meeting house, on Monday the twenty-ninth |