56. |
this town the year ensuing in the General Court appointed to be convened
and held for the Government's service at the State house in Boston, the
last Wednesday of May instant.
At the meeting to be held at two
o' clock,
- Voted, and chose Capt.' Enoch Page, Moderator.
- Voted, to raise fifty pounds for the purpose of supporting a reading
and writing school or schools.
Also, voted, that the town be divided into six districts;
each district to have its proportion of the money that may or shall
be assessed for the purpose. Also, votedthat the Selectmen be a Committee to make and apportion said Division.
- Voted to dismiss this third article
Meeting dissolved, Enoch Page, Moderator.
Extrat from the minutes, Attest, D. Cony Town Clerk
The Selectmen of town of Hallowell,
To Benjamin Brown, Constable of said town, Greeting.
In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are
1786 |
hereby required forthwith to notify & warn
all the freemen, inhabitants of this town,
to meet at the Meeting house, on Monday, the eighth day of May instant,
at two o' clock P.M.
- To choose a Moderator.
- To see if the town will vote to give Mr. Isaac Foster an invitation
to settle in this town in the work of the Ministry.
- To see if the town will vote to grant a sum or sums of money for his
salary and settlement.
Hereof fail not, and make return hereof, with your doings thereon, to
us, or either of us at or before the time of said meeting.
Ephm. Ballard |
} |
Selectmen |
D. Cony |
of |
H. Sewall |
Hallowell |
Hallowell, May 1, 1786.
Lincoln ss. May
6, 1786.
to this Warrant, I have notified & warned all the freemen, inhabitants
of this town of Hallowell, to meet at the time & place, and for the
purposes within mentioned |
Benj. Brown, Constable of the town
of Hallowell. |