Attending the same :
Voted that James Bowdoin junr.
Esqr. by Virtue of the power of Attending to
him given dated the eighth day of September 1784, employ one or
more Attorney's on behalf of the Propriety, to defend any Actions already,
in which may be commenced in the County of Lincoln wherein the Interests
of the said Propriety may be affected, paticularly an Action or Actions
commenced by Moses Grant & others against Settlers on the East side
of Kennebeck river, who hold their lands by Grants from this Propriety.
Voted that the Meeting be Adjourned to the Second Wednesday in July,
next, being the eighth day to meet at the Office of Henry Alline in State
Street Boston, at five o'Clock in the afternoon. --
Jas. Bowdoin Jusr Esqr. to employ Attornies
the Honble James Bowdoin Esq.r
James Bowdoin j.r Esq.r
Joseph North Esq.r
Mr James Thwing
Henry Alline, Propr Clerk |
Boston July 8th 1789 The Proprietors met at time
& place, according to Adjournment, and --
Voted that the meeting be Adjourned to the Second Wednesday in August next,
being the twelfth August five o'Clock in the afternoon, to meet at the Office
of Henry Alline in State Street Boston. -- |
Present - Mr James Thwing
Henry Alline, Profr Clerk |