in reducing the fever, which obstructed the secretions.
If Miss Bakman should continue troubled with dosing,
may not the opium be withdrawn from her pills? -- I strongly incline there,
to the loss of 4 ounces of blood by way of experiment; pushing the bleeding,
if the pulse rises, so as to take away 6. By the affect, a repetition
may be shewn to be proper or improper, as may be.
Yours sincerely, BV
Did you ever know a single instance of evil committed by our bleeding
in fever; and on the contrary, have you not known evils, or least delays,
from procrastinating it? If you balance accounts with the [lowest], you
will I fear find yourself largely its debtor, even in the last year.
They have had much sickness & mortality in the new
townships from fever, which their best practioners call mixed. You may
judge of the practce by this [appellation] & the result.