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A Collection of Cases and Observations in Midwifery (Volume Two)
Smellie, William
Published by Printed for D. Wilson & T. Durham, London
Location of original: Countway Rare Books, Harvard University
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Page 247


assistance. I examined during a pain, and found the mouth of the womb open to about the breadth of a crown-piece, tho’ the os Uteri was pretty thick and rigid. She had been fatigued by walking, and undergoing her pains standing, and in various other positions; had enjoyed little or no rest for two nights, and was very uncomfortable. I prescribed an emollient and laxative glyster, after the operation of which, I found again examined during her pain, found the Os Internum much in the same position, the membranes being strongly pushed down with the waters. When, upon the pains abating, the membranes became lax, I felt a child’s head, which being touched by the finger, swam up and returned: a circumstance that plainly proved there was a great quantity of waters. I assured the patients and her friends, that the child presented fair, and that there was no apparent danger; then I advised the midwife to put her to bed, without exposing her to any further fatigue, or desiring her to force down, except when compelled by the pains; and in case she should not otherwise enjoy relief, I prescribed the following draught.
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