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It was further agreed that the Corpora
& Coll. Officers shd all walk by themselves as a Body succeeded by the
Treasr, Profess. & Tutors. Between the Tutors & the Clergy,
to be placed Members of Congress, Councillors & eminent Civilians: then
succeed the Reverend Ministers. The President to be preceded by the Undergraduates,
Candidates Bach. & Masters, & the Bedellus Sheriff Fitch. The Order
of Rank & Procession thus settled, we proceeded to other preparatory
Business, and agreed to confer the hony Deg. of A.M. upon Dan1
Dewey Esq. and the Hon. Wm Hillhouse; the Deg. of LL.D. on Judge Marchant,
Hon. Jno Worthington & Lt Gov. Wolcott; the Deg.
of S.T.D. upon Revd Isaac Lewis, & upon Revd Rich'
Mansfield an Episco Clergyman-this the first Insta
of a theological Doctorate conferred in Yale Coll. on an Episcopal Clergyman.
This brought us to Eveng when we adjourned to Morng.
12. COMMENCEMENT. A fine pleasant Day.-The Procession accordg
to the Order settled proceeded to the Brick Meetg ; where the
Corpora only were situated upon the Stage on each Wing of the
Pulpit: the rest of the Stage left open for the Performers. The Process.
was accompanied alongside by a Band of six Musicians with Clarionets, Fr.
Horns &c. from New York, which played excellently. Havg entered
the Meetghouse, the Exercises were as follows |
Anthem & Musick
An Eng. Oration by Asa Chapman
Forensic Disputation by Sir Hoyt & Sir Sherman 2.
A Hebrew Oration by Sir Cooley
An English Dialogue by Sir Hedges, Marcht, Esten, Savage
Eng. Orat. by Sir Lothrop
A Greek Dialogue between Sir Wms & Sir Chauncy
An Eng. Oration by Sir Botsford.
Dinner in Coll. Hall 140 present
An Eng. Orat. by Mr. Tutor Basset on the great and happy
Event of a Union of Civilians & Ecclesiastics in the
of the University.
A Latin Orat. on the same subject by the President
An Eng. Orat. by Mr. Edwds
A latin Valedy Orat. by Mr. Pynchon
The Graduation-71 Degrees
Anthem Musick
Prayer concluded : finished at Sunset.
Procession returned to Chapel-About 80 or 90 Ministers present.