toriety and display, that he often manifested a shrinking and retiring
modesty in society that was truly delicate and feminine. His temper was
uniformly serene, and his patience christian-like and enduring. There
was no duplicity--no double-dealing--no faithlessness in his trust. Whatever
he promised, he executed in good faith. His character, in truth, was one
of the brightest emanations of a medical philosopher and a philanthropist.
He ever lived within his means, and never embarrassed himself or his family
with speculative wants. He was especially liberal and provident to those
dependent upon him, and nothing that was wished for or demanded by them
was ever withheld. He was ever ready to make all sacrifices for the happiness
of his children, to whom he was so dear. He was the pride of their affections,
the long-cherished idol of their hearts. He was unambitious of worldly
riches, knowing that happiness did not consist of accumulated wealth,
but in temperance and contentment of heart, and a cheerful reliance upon
the providence of God. He was extremely prompt and punctual in his professional
visits, and considerate in his charges and there are recorded upon his
books the names of many persons and families whom he regularly attended,
without the slightest compensation, for a period of thirty or forty years.
There were thousands to who he gave both advice and medicine without charge.
With the same amount of practice and the customary fees, for the same
period of time in New York or Boston, he would have realized as great
an income as Sir Astley Cooper, and left to his family and children a
princely estate. But the poor he has always had with him, and he never
turned a deaf ear to their wants, or sent them empty away.
As a citizen his character deserves high commendation. In all things
which related to government and religion he exhibited always a tolerant
and charitable spirit. The peace, harmony, welfare, and happiness of the
community were objects in his judgment of great importance and constant
pursuit. The rich and the poor, the high and the low, equally received
his regards and his services. He was not only the sick man's doctor, but
the sick man's friend. He was equally distinguished by compassionate feeling,
and sedulous attention, and exhibited the same sympathy and kindness,
the same watchful solicitude by night and by day, and where he had no
expectation or hope of pecuniary award. No wonder, then, that endearing
phrase of "beloved physician" should have been universally applied
to him. "I never," said a distinguished divine, in discoursing upon
his memory, "I never happened to hear that he had an enemy. So far as
I have known him, and that for fifty years, he has been marked
for correctness of morals, and regularity of life: and I suppose I express
the views of all who hear me, when I say, his course was 'without rebuke.'"
With party politics he had nothing to do. In his principles established,
in his opinions persuaded, modest and tolerant, you would always find
him in the path of duty on the side of order and rectitude. Ever ready
to concede honest intentions to others, he maintained his own opinions
with firmness: while he endeavored, both by precept and example, to allay
party feelings, and to teach his fellow citizens to regard them-