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Foster v. North
Supreme Judicial Court
July 1790
Location of original: Massachusetts State Archive, Boston, Massachusetts
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List of Witnesses


Lincoln Ss. To Joseph Weston of Canaan, John Barrel Junr of Hancock John & Lucy Lymson of Winslow Isaac Savage 3d of Hallowell Samuel Branch of Vassalborough Abiel Lovejoy & Polley Lovejoy of Vassalborough Amos Pollard Meriam Pollard of Hallowell William Cowen of Vassalborough. Nathaniel Hercy & Benjamin Brown of Hallowell Daniel Stevens & Benjamin Wade of Hallowell


Henry Dearbon esq & Jedediah Jewett of Pitston Simeon Wyman Obadiah Williams esq. of Vassalborough Oliver Wood esq. James Stedman of Vassalborough Ephraim Ballard & Martha Ballard of Hallowell John Andress of Bromswick Benjamin Wade of Hallowell Nathaniel Harsey James Carr of Hallowell Jonathan Blonchard Betsey Blanchard of Pitston Betsey Blanchard Spinster. Greeting.

You are Hereby required in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to appear before the next Supreme Judicial Court to be Holden at Pownalborough in S.d County on the First Tuesday of July next, to Give Evidence relating to a Cause between the Commonwealth is Plaintiff & Joseph North esq. of Hallowell is defendant

Hereof fale not at your Peril, Dated at Norridgewalk this Twelf day of May 1790

Oliver Wood Justice of Peace

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 Indictment   Summons (front)   Summons (back)   Witness List   Verdict 
 Witnesses' Expenses   Judges' Expenses   Jurors' Expenses 

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