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The Female Physician, Containing All the Diseases Incident to that Sex, in Virgins, Wives, and Widows
Maubray, John
Published by Printed for James Holland, London
Location of original: Countway Rare Books, Harvard University
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Page 173


Chap.2. the Ordinary MIDWIFE. 173

VI. SHE ought not to be an Ignorant, Stupid, Indolent, or a dull Person; and especially not incapable of conceiving Matters distinctly, or judging of Things aright: Neither ought she be a Self-Indulger, Slothful, or Lazy; nor a Light, Dissolute, or Daring Person: She ought not to be inconsiderate, negligent, or forgetful; nor proud, passionate, or obstinate: Neither peevish, morose, or surly; nor fearful, doubtful, or wavering-minded: neither ought she to be a Tipler or Drunkard, nor a Tatler or Vagabond, nor a covetous, or mercenary Person.

BUT on the other Hand, in the Affirmative, S H E (First) ought to be a Woman of a good middle Age, of solid Parts, of full Experience, of a healthy, strong, and vigorous Body, with clever small Hands: Since nothing can be more agreeable and conductive to the Art of MIDWIFERY, than slender Hands, long Fingers, and a ready Feeling.

II. SHEought to be Grave and Considerate, endued with Resolution and Preference of Mind, in order to forsee and prevent ACCIDENTS; Sagacious and Prudent in difficult Cases, so as not to take All upon her own Shoulders or Judgement, but to have immediate Recourse to the ablest Practiser in the A R T, and freely submit her Thoughts to the discerning Faculty of the more Learned and Skilful.

III. SHE ought to be Watchful, Diligent, and Expert in all Cases and Conditions that can or may occur; so that no Opportunity in the Beginning of the LABOUR be lost: Since I have more than once observ'd, that the Neglect or Mistake of improving a critical MINUTE, hath cost the M O T H E R many violent or heavy Pains afterwards, and the C H I L D also its Life. For which Reason it is of the greatest Importance, to nick the Opportunity, conformable to Cato's saying--

Fronte capillata, post est Occasio calva
IV. SHE ought to be a true Fearer of GOD, a Conscientious Person, of good Life and Conversation: Since Matteres of the greatest Moment are commited to her

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