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May 2 - 10, 1808
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2 2


Clear and pleast. mr Ballard & Cyrus to Town Meeting. Son Lambd is more Comfortable than he was but not able to attend ye meeting. mr Amos Partridg here, bot 4 Balm Giliad trees, is to giv 6s for them. at home, workt in my Gardin Some. mr Partridg had trees.
3 3


Clear and very warm for ye Season. I have removd Current Bushes and done other matters in my Gardin. at home.
4 4


Clear and warm. I have workt in my Gardin and knit, finisht my Stockins & Lucys. Dagt Ballard Sent me rice, milk and Veal, 5 lb. at home.
5 5


Clear and Pleast. I have workt in my Gardin. mr Ballard and I Dind at Son Jonas, we had Beautiful rice Puding and Calvs head & harslett. I Sett Current Bushes after I Came home. at Son Jonas. mrs Gilbd there.
6 6


raind, wind Easterly. I have over hauld Linning raggs & prest Some for Dish Cloaths &C. at home, a rainy day.
7 7


a rainy day, w N. I mended a pair Trousers for Cyrus &C. at home.
8 1


raind & Snowd. mr Ballard and Cyrus to meeting. Revd mr Slone Discoarst fm Ecleasties 12C 1st vers. we all took Dinner at Son Jonas, Son Lambd & wife & 2 Childn, Son Ephm allso. at Son Jonas, [he] Lefaett & James are very unwell.
9 2


Cloudy and Cold. Hannah Ballard here to double and twist yarn, her Father remains very unwel. at home.
10 3


Clear, ye moon Totally Eclipsed. [g] I rose to See it, mr Ballard and Luke allso. I did my hous work and washing. mr Ballard Surveyd for Bradford. Jonas dog killd my Catt. at home, washt. mr Ballard Sowd wheat for Jon a.
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May 2 - 10, 1808
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