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August 4 - 8, 1807
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4 3


A very rainy day. I have done my hous work, over hauld raggs and Cutt flocks. Hannah here for Currents. mr Ballard to my Sons, got pint & _ Spirril. at home.
5 4


Clear. I have gatherd Some Currents to Preserve. mr Ballard went to Son Jonas to git his men to haul us a load wood. Allin here, had some Currents to Carrie to his Marm. at home, Allin Dind here.
6 5


Clear. Old Lady Shaw Dind here, had 2 qts Currents to Carrie home. mrs Wiman took Tea and got a few to Carrie home I have Stript & put down in Sugar 11 qts Currents this day. at home. mrs Shaw made me a visit. mrs Wiman here. [&] Gatherd ripe peas.
7 6


Clear when the Sun rose but it Soon Shut in and was Cloudy the most of ye day. mr Ballard went to Son Lambds & Ephms, he Carried Curenl bushes. I roasted a Piece of Lamb, had pees and Cucumbers. mrs Smith, Betsy Wiman and a Cousin of hers took Tea, mrs Smiths Daugt allso. at home, had Company.
8 7


Clear part of ye day. mr Ballard went to the meddow. mrs Bennet & Cleark here, had Currents. mrs C brol me l lb 10 oz Chees. mrs B had 4 qts. [took some roals to Spin 1-2/1 lb] I Brewd and did other matters. at home, had Company.
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August 4 - 8, 1807
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