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November 14 - 19, 1803
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14 2


Clear Part of the day. Son Lambard & Jona Butchered 2 pigs for us. son Ephm & Lathrop here. I have done my hous work. H Hannah G. helpt me fore noon. Shee went to her aunts to liv with her, aftern. I paid her 3/. at home, we had 2 Pigs killd.
15 3


Clear part of ye day. I have done my hous work and Some washing, felt unwell aftern. mr Ballard Paid the State tax and got a receipt in full from Arthur Lithgo Exqr. I have Sorted part of my apples, Cut those that were Spect with rot and Stued them. at home, done various kinds of work.
16 4


Clear Part of ye day. mr Ballard been to Hallowell. Rachel Town Came to work for me. we Cut Some apples and pumkins, Shee mended Stockins and did work about hous. at home. Rachel Town Came to help me.
17 5


Cloudy, raind before night, wind NE. I have finisht Culing my Pumpkins and Stued the End pieces, finisht Sorting and Cuting the Apples which were rotting. mr Ballard been to pay money to Treasurers &C. Rachel helpt do hous work and mended Stockins. Cyrus and Bill finisht Bank hous. I was informd that Amos Partridg was very Sick from home and yt his Bror Moses was dead & Perloiny Cony Sick at Boston. at home. heard Moses Partridg Death.
18 6


Snowd and blowd and was Cold. I have roasted a pigg. Son Jona, his wife & [her] Sister Getchel Came and partook with us, Ephm & Billy allso. mr Ballard went to ye Settlement. at home. roasted a pigg, wt 18 lb.
19 7


Clear part of the day and very Cold. we have Bakt Apple & Pumkin Pies. mr Ballard been to ye Settlement, was infmd that Judg Dumer had Chartered & Loaded a vesel for the W. indies and it is frozen into the river. Cyrus was informd that mr Moody, Precepter, Buried 2 Childn yesterday and is very Sick himSelf. Son Ephm Sleeps here; he this muinit informd that Charls Dinglys 2nd Child Expired last night. at home. heard of ye Death of 2 of mr Moodys Childn and one of mr Dingleys.
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November 14 - 19, 1803
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