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May 30 - June 9, 1800
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The Jun. 3 entry is relevant to the "Martha Ballard and Money" Theme in Martha Ballard's Diary
30 6


Clear and warm. I have Done my house work, Bakt and Brewd; feel more Comfortable than I did yesterday. Cyrus went to mr Bonds for Some rice which Son Ephm procured for us, 16 lb. at home.
31 7


rainy. I have been at home, Done my work in ye house and Some in ye Gardin, but feel unfitt. at home.
1 1


Clear. mr Ballard, Cyrus & Ephm, Son Jon a & wife and Dagt attended worship. mr Cushman Performd. Jona, his wife and part of ye Childn Supt here. at home.
2 2


Clear. I have been at home, did my hous work and washt my Cloaths thro one water. at home.
3 3


Clear. Sabery Price Came and helpt me thro with my washing. I workt Some in my Gardin, was Calld at Evng to See mrs Gill, find his Marm and mrs Pitts there. I laid down and Slept a little. Dagt Ballard & mrs Chamberlin here to Tea. I let ye latter have a pair of Leather Shoes for which Shee is to Spinn me 15 Double Skeins yarn. at mr Gills. mr Ballard had ye Collic, Jonas wife Came to take Care of him.
4 4

Birth Charls Gills 2nd Son.

Clear and warm. my Patient was Safe Deld at 5h 50m morn of a Son, her 4th Child by mr Gill. I left them Cleverly after noon and returnd home. hoed in my gardin till milking time then milkt, but had a very Severe pain in my head. Son Ephm Sleeps here. I drank Cold water, had my bed warmed, went into it and got Easier. Betsy Cowen Came in, waited on me and got supper for the men. at Ditoes, had a very Severe pain in my head afterI Came home. Birth 14th.
5 5


Clear. I have been at home, done my hous work. at home.
6 6


Clear. I have workt in gardin and done hous work. at home.
7 7


Clear. I was Calld at ye first hour to See mrs Dingly, went to mr Livermores. at mr Dingleys & Livermores.
8 1


Clear forn, Showers aftern. I have been at mr Dingleys and went to ye Howard farm after meeting. John Stockbridg livs in the hous. at mr Dingleys. Betsy Cleark [    ].
9 2


Clear. I was Calld at 2h morn by Edwd Springer to See his wife, reacht there at 4; find her better. Came home aftern, did my hous work and workt in my gardin. feel very much fatagud. mrs Mosier was Calld to Springers at Evng. at Dingleys & Edwd Springers. Betsy Cleark interd this day. Shee deceast yesterday.
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May 30 - June 9, 1800
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