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April 25 - 30, 1800
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25 6


Clear foren, Cloudy aftern, raind at night. mr Ballard Surveying for Capt Gage. Old Lady Whealor Came here fore nn, tarried till Sun Sett then went to Son Jonas. I have been working in my Gardin, feel very much fatagud. at home. Old mrs Whealor here.
26 7


rainy morn. I have removd Chips of the ice before the door and done other matters about house in the fore n, but am So fatagud that I Could not Sett up aftern. at home.
27 1


Cloudy and Some rain. mr Ballard & Cyrus attended worship. Cousin Hains Learned took Breakfast here, he informd me that his 11th Child was born the last day of Jany last. Son and Dagt Ballard and all yr famely Supt with us. Phillip Bullin and Becky Faught Calld here ys aftern. at home.
28 2


Clear. I have workt in the gardin all day. I planted Cucumbers and Sowd Letice and pepper grass. Cyrus workt in the gardin part of ye Day. Son Jona and part of his Childn Supt here. at home, Planted Cucumbers.
29 3


Clear fore part of ye day, Cloudy at Evn. I have been diging and moving dirt in the gardin the most of ye day, have made my hands very sore. I went to my Son Jonas a little while before night. at home Son Jonas.
30 4


Cloudy, raind aftern and Evng. I Sett roots in my gardin, removd dirt and did Some matters about house. Hepsy washt and Bakt, Cyrus diging gardin and makeing Beds therein. I planted 3 Sun Beens. Son Jona got me 1 quart Spirit. Lydia Nud Sleeps here ys night. at home.
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April 25 - 30, 1800
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