Clear. mr Trask and wife Calld to See me. mr Bullin and wife dind here. mrs Pierce and Sabery Price took Tea. I have been at home kniting, feel more Comfortable.
at home. mr Bullin & wife here. |
Cloudy. mr Ballard and Cyrus went to meeting, it is the yearly Fast.
I have been at home, Jon as wife dind here.
at home. |
Cloudy. I have been at home. mr Ballard and Jona went to S. J.
Fosters for hay. Son Ephm dind here, he brot Some of his Cloaths
here. I finisht a stocken of my own.
at home. |
A very rainy day. Son Ephm Sleeps here, he Supt at Jon as.
I have been kniting on a Stockin for Dolly Town.
at home. |
Birth Eliab Shaws Dagt.
raind Part of the day. mr Ballard went to meeting.
I was Calld at 5h 30m pm by Eliab Shaw to go and See
his wife who was in Labour. Shee was Safe Deld at 9 Evn of a fine
Dagt. I left them about midnight and reacht home
at 1, the wrideing is very bad.
at Eliab Shaws. Birth 10th. |
Clear. mr Ballard, Cyrus and Ephm went to Town meeting. I have
been at home, knitt some on my Stockin. Dagt Ballard took Tea here.
we are informd that Brother Pollard Expired the 5th
inst and yt his remains are to be interd tomorrow.
I allso hear that mr Kimbal is very Sick with a Complaint in
his throat.
at home. heard of the Death of mr Pollard. |
Clear. mr Ballard got Some wood, Cyrus drest flax, Hepsy
washt. I have futed a Stockin for Dolly Town.
at home. |
Clear. I have been at home kniting. old mr Pitts and Dagt Ballard
Supt here.
at home. |
Clear. mr Ballard Surveying for Esqr John Davis. I went
to Son Jonas just Evn. I took Tea with them. Sabery
Price Spun on my wheal.
at Son Jonas. |
Clear and Cloudy by turns. mr Ballard Surveying for Dito. Dagt
Ballard in here. I have removed Part of the Banking for ye
house and knitt some, finished my Black hoes.
at home. |