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January 7 - 13, 1799
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7 2


Clear and Cold. mr Ballard went up Streat and Cyrus to Pitts tn. Sally washt, I did hous work. at home.
8 3


Clear and Cold. I have been at home. mr Ballard and Cyrus went to the Coart house. Son Town and his Dagt Polly Came here. at home. Son Town and Polly Sleep here.
9 4


Clear and more moderate. the men went to hear Coart. Polly went to Son Lambard s, from there to Son Pollards. Sally Fletcher has been unwell and kept her bed this aftern, and I have Done my work and knitt Some. At home. Son Town and Dagt Polly went to Son Pollards. Sally Sick.
10 5


Clear and pleasant. I have been at home, Did my hous work, Scoured my table and pails. Sally workt for her Self. Phillip Bullin here, brot money for mr Ballard from Poland. Cyrus been to mr Hopkins for Some Grain, wheat & rie, which a mr Bishop left there for us. At home. Phillip Bullin took Tea with us. Cyrus been to Capt Hopkinss.
11 6


Clear and very Pleasant. mr Ballard got 1 load of wood and went to hear Coart, Cyrus went allso. Noah Watson here at Evn, receivd 22Dol. mr Ballard paid Sally Fletcher all that we owd her. I have Brewd and bakt wheat and Brown Bread, and Done my other hous work. at home. we paid to Watson 22Dol, to Sally Fletcher 3Dols & 1:1_. Shee has recd 2/ before Shee [   ] workt for us.
12 7


Clear. I have been at home doing my hous work. mr Ballard & Cyrus up to the Court house. Sally washt the west room and workt for her self. at home.
13 1


Clear part of the day and Cold, Snowd at Evn. Son Town and Polly, mr Gill and Lambard and wives, Allin and mr Gills infant here. mr Ballard, Cyrus and Sally at meeting, Shee Came home at 10h 30m accompanied by mr Cleark and others. at home. mr Gill & my Childn here.
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January 7 - 13, 1799
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