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June 5 - 8, 1796
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5 B

X. Birth Isaac Carters Dagt. [first Born] XX. Birth John Stratins Son, first Born. XX.

Cloudy part of the Day. I Came home from mr Youngs at 7h morn, got Breakfast and part Did my work, and was Calld to See mrs Carter. Shee was Deld of a Dagt at 11h 30m, it Expird an hour after ye Birth. Old Lady Hamlin is Come here from Oxford, Shee brot m a Letter of may 11th from Doct Barton. I was Calld at 3h pm from mrs Carter to mrs Straton. Shee was Deld at 4h 30m of a Son who is likely to liv. I Came home at Evn and Do feel much fatagud, but was oblidged to Sett up and Cook the orful of my Veal. at Ditoes, and mr Carters & Gillmans. BirthsX 26th and 27th. X I receivd a Letter from DoctBarton of may 11, 96 by mrs Hamlin who is Come to residein this Place for a time.
6 2


Clear. I feel very unwell. mrs Cocks and two little boys Dind. Son Town and mrs Ficky took Tea here. Cyrus began to Shear our Sheep. mrss Cocks is gone from here to Colo Norths. mrs Cocks had 7 bushl of Potatoes here. at home. Capt Cockss Lady here, Son Town allso.
7 3

X. Birth Elisha Noless Dagt. XX.

Clear. Son Town left here Early, going to Coart. I have Done my work, Sett out at 3h pm to See Dagt Lambart, was met by mr Noles and Disered to go and See his Brother Elishas wife who is in Labour. I arivd at 6 and Shee was Deld of a Dagt, her third Child, at 9h Evn. I tarried till morn. at Elisha Noless. Birth 28th. April 27, 1798 receivd 3_ yds Cottne Cloath @3/.
8 4


Cloudy. I left my patient after Breakfast, arivd at Son Lambarts at 11. mrs Capin there. I Dind there and Came home. Did up my work, feel Some fatagud. Dagt Lambart Cookt a Loin of veal for me on which we dind. Son Jona Dind there. at Ditoes, Ebn and Son Lambarts. mrs Capin was there.
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June 5 - 8, 1796
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