What Do You Think
The histories we can tell depend upon the sources that survive. The same
event might look quite different when pieced together from official sources
-- or from more personal sources like Martha Ballard's diary.

This section of DoHistory will
allow you to piece together the remarkable and chilling story of the rape
of Rebecca Foster, the young minister's wife, by Joseph North, a local
judge. As is the case in the 20th century, most 18th century rape cases
were kept quiet. This one, however, made it to court. So we have the official
court, church, and town records of what happened. But we also have the
story as Martha recorded it in her diary.
What do you think
happened? You can investigate both sides of the story...

Official Story
of Joseph North for assault. Pleads not guilty."
the records of the Supreme Judicial Court)
Ballard's Story
"mr Savage
here, informs that mrs Foster has Sworn a Rape on a number of men
amonge whome is Judge North. Shocking indeed!"
Martha Ballard's diary, October 1, 1789)
