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April 12 - 16, 1800
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12 7


Clear morn, Cloudy before night. mr Ballard been makeing Plans for mr Whitwell. John Davis Esqr and Shube Wlm Pitts went to Deliver them to ye above mentioned. I have been mending a waist Coat for mr Ballard and doing Some work in the door yard. Son Ephm Sleeps here. at home. mr Ballard went to the setlemt below here.
13 1


Cloudy and some rain. mr Ballard only of our famely attended public worship. mr Stones text in pSalm XIX. Son Ephm is here, Jon a and wife Supt with us. I was Calld at Evng by mr Francise to go and see the wife of Abram Devenport who was in Labour. I find, on my arival, that old mrs Devenpt, mrs Lee and wido Patin were there. mrs Shaw was afterwards Calld. the Patients illness Came on and Shee was unDer my imediate Care at 11h 50m. at Abm Devenpts.
14 2

X. Birth Abm Devenpts 3d Son. XX.

mrs Devenport was Safe Deld of her 3d Son at 1h morn and is Cleverly. mrs Shaw went home, we all took Some repose. we took Breakfast and afterwards attended prayers and I left my patients Cleverly, and reacht home at 11h 30m. I Calld at Esqr Haywoods and left yarn which mrs Patin Sent her. at Ditoes. Birth 11th. recd 12/ as a rewd. Cyrusswhite faced Cow Calvd.
15 3


Clear. I have been at home, moovd the Banking fm ye North End of ye hous. was Calld at 6h Evn by Jessy Bullin to go and See his wife, find her poorly when I arivd at near 8h. we were up with her all night, Shee is very unwell. at Jessy Bullins.
16 4

X. Birth Jesy Bullins Dagt. XX.

Clear. I have been at mr Bullns, my patient very ill all day. (Shee (Blessed be the Great Parent of ye univerce) was Safe Deld at 5h 48m Pm of a Dagt, her first Born. the inft was aparently dead but by Gods Blessing it revived and is Cleverly. at Jessy Bullins. Birth 12th. recd 12/ as a rewd.
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April 12 - 16, 1800
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