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August 24 - 28, 1799
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The Aug. 26 entry is mentioned in a list Laurel Ulrich compiled of all Medicinal Ingredients Mentioned in Martha Ballard's Diary
24 7


Clear and very warm. mr Ballard and Cyrus giting Stones for Seller and underpining. I have been Cleaning my Bedroom and bedstead of Buggs. Hepsy Did the work about house and Cleand the west room. Calvin Ballard Dind here, he informd me his Brother Derias has been Cast away at Sea; 25 of them left the Ship and Escaped in the Boat and landed at [Ireland], from there they went to Liverpool, there took Shiping and Came to Boston. at home, Calvin Ballard here.
25 1

X. Birth John Dunns Son. XX.

Clear. mr Ballard and Cyrus to meeting all day. I attended afternn, and was Calld by mr Young to go and See the wife of John Dunn who was in Labour. Shee was Safe Deld at 7h 30 Evn of a fine Son. I tarried there all night. Shee and Child are Cleverly. mr Dunn was married last Thursday, he was 20 years old last July. at Meeting and with mrs Dunn. Birth 38th. recd9/ Novr 23.
26 2


Clear. I walkt from mrs Dunn to Son Lambards, was Calld by mr Child to go and See his wife and infant who are very Sick; the mother with a Swelld legg, the infant with a Soar mouth. I was Calld in the afternoon to See mr Millers infant, it being unwell. I returnd to mr Childs; was Directly Calld to Son Lambards, his little Daught being in a fitt, but was revivd before I reacht there, but Seems to be in a high feavor. we applied Burdoc leavs to her Stomach and feet and gave her a Syrrip of mullin, and Shee had Some rest. mr Lambd went to watch for [   ] James Andrews who is Suspected of thieft. A quantity of goods were found in his trunk and Some in his Fathers house. at mr Youngs, Childs, Millers & at son Lambds. little Dolly had a fitt.
27 3


Clear and Cool. I went from Son Lambds to mr Childs, find mrs Child feeble but her Legg not so much Swelld. the infant is yet living but no better, it had a fitt this morn. I bound up mrs Childs Limb in Burdock leavs wilted in Vinegar and Spirrit, which givs great relief. I lefe them and returnd to Son Lambds, find Dolly unwell yet. we gave her Senna. I was Calld directly from there to go and See the Son of Esqr Davis, I gave that Senny and rheubarb; that, with its mother, are at Son Jon as. at Son Lambds, mr Childs, Pitts & Son Jonas. mrss Capin at Son Lambds. mrs Conry went home.
28 4


Clear. mr Ballard and cyrus hearing James Andrews tryal for Thieft foren. mr Ballard and I to Lecture aftern. Revd mr [Hall] performd. we Calld and [took] Coffee with Dagt Lambd. mrs Pitts & Childn [allso]. at Lecture & Son Lambds.
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August 24 - 28, 1799
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