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The History of Augusta
North, James W.
Published by Clapp & North, Augusta
Location of original: Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, Massachusetts
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Page 227


1790. General Henry Sewall 227

Immediately after the war, in September, 1783, he came to Fort Western in Hallowell and opened a store in connection with William Burley of Beverly, on the east side of the river near the foundry, and continued about five years in that business, when he went to New York, and on the 15th of August, 1788, opened and office at number five Water street for the purpose of buying and selling public securities, which accumulated and so rapidly depreciated in his hands that he failed. He then returned to Hallowell and was chosen town clerk, which office he held in that town and Augusta for thirty-five years, during which time he was for several years one of the selectmen. He was appointed by his kinsman, Judge David Sewall, clerk of the District Court of Maine at its organization in 1789, and held that office for twenty-nine years, until he resigned in 1919 with the judge who appinted him. At the organization of Kennebec county in 1799, he was chosen register of deeds, and held that office for seventeen years, until he was succeeded in 1816 by John Hovey.

Hel held in succession the commissions of Division Inspector, Brigadier and Major-General of the Eighth Division of the militia, comprising the counties of Lincoln, Kennebec and Somerset for thirty years, and resigned his military office to William King, the first governor of Maine, upon a new organization of the militia. “He was one of the church formed at Hallowell--south parish--over which the Rev. Mr. Gillet was ordained in August 1795, and was appointed a deacon in September following, and continued a member and officer therein--an advocate of the doctrine of free and sovereign grace.”1

Gen. Sewall was of large frame and strong features expressive of firmness, decision and will, and of military bearing, particularly when mounted on horseback. John O. Page of Hallowell, who was one of his aids, presented him with a noble white charger upon which the general made an impoing and spirited figure, but as he had short bow-legs he did not appear to good advantage on foot. He was faithful and diligent in the performance of the duties of the offices which he held. As a clerical officer he was seldom excelled. He wrote a round uniform and plain hand which gave his records the appearance of great neatness and accuracy. He was upright, conscientious, pious and rigidly orthodox in his

1MS. autobiographical sketch, Red Book Me. Hist. Soc. Coll.
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