hold and enjoy the same forever excepting any Demand arising thereon by
virtue of the abovesaid Mortgage. And that I my Heirs
and Executors and Administrators will warrant the same to him accordingly.
In witness whereof he the s.d Foster has hereunto
set his hand and seal the second day of August in the year of our Lord one
thousand seven hundred and ninety. And Rebecca the wife of the said Isaac
as a relinquishment of her dower in the premises hath hereunto set her hand
& seal the day and year abovesaid. Provided nevertheless and the aforegoing
Deed is on this express Condition that whereas the said Daniel Shute
some Time in the Month of March last past -- signed a Note to SarahDerby
late of said Hingham deceased for the sum of thirty Pounds lawful money
being the proper Debt of the said Foster and the said Foster as Security
to the said Shute put into his possession a Note of hand given by William
Howard Treasurer of the Town of Hollowell for the Sum of one hundred and
twelve Pounds ten Shillings -- whereon Sundry payments had been made --
which Note was dated the thirtieth of October last
now if the said Foster shall well and truly pay the said Shute the said
Sum of thirty pounds with Interest from the thirteenth day of March last
with Interest untill paid or if the said Shute -- shall within eight months
recover that Sum of the said Howard with Interest as aforesaid then the
aforegoing Deed is to be null and void otherwise to remain in full force
and virtue. Isaac Foster and a Seal. Rebecca Foster and a Seal. |
Signed |