Receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge have given granted bargained and
sold and by these presents do give grant bargain and sell to the said Daniel
Shute his Heirs and Assigns forever a certain -- Tract of Land in Hollowell
aforesaid bounded as --- follows beginning at the
east end of the South -- Line of Lot Number five thence running West Northwest
three hundred and twenty rods to a road thence Southerly by said Road about
thirty four rods then east southeast three hundred and twenty poles to Kennebeck
River then Northerly by the s..d River to the first
mentioned Bounds and contains sixty eight Acres more or less it being the
Northerly part of Lot Number 4. on a plan made by Nathan Winslow Surveyor
dated June seventeenth one thousand seven hundred and sixty one being the
same Land which was sold to the said Foster by Ephraim Cowen by his Deed
dated the fifth day of June one thousand seven hundred and ninety
eighty seven reserving nevertheless four Acres of the same -- heretofore
sold by the said Foster to Benjaimin -- Wade. -- To have and to hold the
same to the said Daniel Shute his Heirs and Assigns with all the priviledges
and appurtenances to the same belonging forever. And I the said Foster do
covenant and agree to and with the said Shute his Heirs Assigns Executors
and Administrators that I am lawfully seized of the same and
have good Right to convey the same as aforesaid excepting that William Howard
has one Mortgage upon the same and that he the said Daniel Shute his Heirs
and Assigns shall