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August 4 - 11, 1805
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4 1


rainy. mr Ballard to meeting. I have felt very feeble. there were 6 Persons Baptised by imertion at Sidney. mrss Andrus was one. at home. mrs Andrus Baptised at Sidney.
5 2


Clear and very warm. I feel very feeble this Day but have done my hous work. mr Ballard to parish meeting, it was ajourned till Monday next. at home.
6 3


Clear and warm. I have puld weads in my Gardin, washt my Cloaths in 1 water and done my hous work. mrs Pierce did her washing here. mrs Cleark at Jonas. my Dagt Pollard is 36 years old ys Day. at home. mr Wiman Supt with us. Dagt Pollards Bh day.
7 4


Clear and warm. mrs Pierce Bakt here. I have Done my hous work and finisht my washing. mr Ballard has been helping Son Jona about his hay & Grain. at home, washt.
8 5


Clear and warm. I have done hous wk and ironed Cloaths, 6 Shirts & 4 Shifts, 2 Gownds and other things. mr Ballard been to ye Settlement for Stores for us and Son Jona. I have put Vinagar a makeing. at home. Sett Vinagar a makeing.
9 6


Clear and warm. mr Ballard helping Son Jona. I have Done my hous work & gathered mustard to drie & mended hoes. at home.
10 7


Clear and very warm Except a Showr at 3h morn. I have done hous work and Mended my husbands Duck Coat, Trousers & some other things. mrs Gilbart and Childn at Jonas. mrs Pierce & Haah here. at home. we had 1 Bushl Indian Meal brt fm mill.
11 1


Clear and very warm Except a light Shower aftern. mr Ballard & I at meeting, part of Jonas famely allso. mrs Gilbard here before we went to metng. Son Jona & his Son J. Went ti Son Pollards. I went to Bed but Could not Sleep for noise in Jonas famely. I rose, lit my Candle & wrote this. at Meeting. [mr Stone Discoarst from Math VI C 14th, Ye Cannot Serve God & mammon].
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August 4 - 11, 1805
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