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August 18 - 27, 1803
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[18] 5


Clear part of the day, thunder and rain at night. I have done my work. Allin Lambd and Ephm Ballard Sleep here. at home.
19 6


Clear. I have been at home, Planted English Goos beries N of ye hogs pen. done my hous work, Bakt, boild Soap Grees &C. at home.
20 7


Clear. I have Churnd, Bakt and Brewd, workt in my gardin, gatherd ripe Beens from those planted may 30th. Old mr Lambd, my Dagt, Son Jona, his wife and 6 Childn, Son Ephm & Lalhrop took Tea here, Jack Pierce allso. Cyrus recd 5_ Dols of Judg Robbins. at home. old mr Lambd here. I gatherd ripe Beens.
21 1


Clear part of ye day. I have been very unwell but was Calld at 4h pm to go and See Jessy Goodins wife, find her not very well. I tarried all night, Old mrs Gill & mrs Goodin allso. at Jesy Goodins.
22 2


at Goodins, the patient did her washing but wd not Consent to my returning home. at Ditos.
23 3


Clear. I left my Patient Comfortable and returnd home. Calld at mr Gills & Genl Sewals. at Ditoes.
24 4


Clear. I have been at home, Cyrus to the Card ing masheen. at home.
25 5


Clear. I have done my hous work, Bakt for mr Purington. Sally Church washt, I paid her 2s/3d Ziporah Nud here, Dagt Ballard allso. at home.
26 6


Clear and warm. Betsy Andrus workt for me. I have workt in my Gardin & knit Some. Dagt Ballard and Polly Town went to mr Dingleys. at home.
27 7


Clear and warm. Betsy workt for me, I paid her 4/2_ for 5 days work; to Polly Farewel 4/6 for work Shee has done for me. we Dind at Son Jonas. Polly Town Came home with me. at my Sons.
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August 18 - 27, 1803
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