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April 2 - 10, 1802
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2 6


Clear. I have done part of my work, Dolly spun some forin. Shee & Dagt Ballard went to ye wido Farewels to quilting aftern, returnd at 11h Evng. at home, Dolly to quillting.
3 7


rainy. I have been makeing holders and peicing raggs foren, have not been able to Sett up but little ys aftern. at home.
4 1


Clear. mr Ballard to meeting. Jack Ballard brot Hannah from Son Pollards. Jonas wife & Childn Supt here, he Came in Just as we Sett down to Table in a great passion about his white Mare being hurt. it overcame me So much I was not able to Sett up. I Could wish he might See the folly and Evil of Such Conduct and reform. at home.
5 2


Clear. mr Ballard and Ephm to Town meeting. I have done Some Sewing and part of the hous work, but have not been able to Sett up this aftern but very little. Dolly washt. at home. mrss Farewel Calld here.
6 3


Clear foren, Cloudy aftern. I have been mending Stockings, Dolly ironing, Dagt Ballard to mr Woodwards. Jona to mr Motts for hay, got 9 hundred wt. Saml returnd from his marms, Shee is Sick with a feaver. at home.
7 4


Clear part of ye day, a thunder Shower aftern. Dagt Lambard and 2 Childn, Son Jon a, his wife and all his Childn took Tea with us. Son Pollard Calld at our door, his famely are as well as usual. Ephm put the lower Casements in to 3 windows & a light in the out hous. Dolly went to mr Parkers. at home. Childn to visit me. Ruth Fairfield of winslow Expired.
8 5


Clear. mr Ballard and Dolly went to meeting, it is ye yearly fast. I have been at home. Son Lambd & mr Gill Calld here. I am informed yt the wife of Church Williams was Deld of a Son, her 2nd Child, ys morn. at home. mr Ballard to meeting, fastday.
9 6


Clear. I have been at home mending Shirts for Son Cyrus, Dolly did hous work. at home.
10 7


Snowd all day. Dat Ballard was unwell, Dolly went there to take Care of her. I have been at home mending Stockins. at home. Dagt Bald unwell. Dolly went to help her.
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April 2 - 10, 1802
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