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July 31 - August 13, 1800
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31 5


Clear. I have been at home till [near] night when I went to my Sons to See how John Davis did. his Burns are all most healed. at my Sons.
1 6


Clear. I have been at home, washt foren. Dagt Ballard and mrs Peirce, her Child and his Father here. at home.
2 7


Clear. I have been at home, helpt do house work. Son Pollard, Lambd, his wife, Dagt Ballard & Son Ephm took Tea here. Dagt Lambd had been to mr Faughts. at home. part of my Childn here.
3 1


Clear part of the day. mr Ballard & his Sons were at meeting. we took Diner at Son Jonas, my Dagts were both there. they Calld here as they went home. raind at night. at Son Jonas. my Dagts here.
4 2


A fine rain. I have been at home. mr Ballard is unwell. at home. mr Ballard unwell.
5 3


Clear and Cool. I have helpt do my washing. mr Ballard is Some better. Dagt Ballard here to Tea, Shee brot a hen which we Cookt to Eat there with. at home, had new Potatoes.
6 4


Clear. we Bakt, had new rie which mr James Moore let mr Ballard have on acount of my Service at his house. at home.
7 5


Clear. I have been at home, Cleand mustard Seed. wido Farewell and Dagt Ballard took Tea here. at home.
8 6


Clear and warm. mr Densmore Calld here, Moses Parmer allso. I pickt up the apples that were falen from our Trees. at home.
9 7


a very rainy day. I have been at home, mr Ballard to Hallowell. Dagt Ballard went to Son Pollards to See her Dagt who is unwell there. at home.
10 1


rainy. mr Ballard only of our famely went to meeting. Son Jona went to Son Pollards. Jack, Ephm & Wilm here. at home.
11 2


Clear. Son Jona and his wife Came home, brot their dagt home. Shee is very ill with a pain in her left Side. Doct Barton & wife Came there, took Tea and Sleep here. at Son Jonas, his Dagt Sick. Doct Barton & wife here.
12 3


Clear. Sister Barton and I went to my Sons, find Hannah very ill. Doct Barton recommended a Phisick and a Blister, the remedies had a favourable operation. at my Sons. Sister and I tarried till midnight.
13 4


Clear. I have felt unwell with a pain in my Stomach. Dagt Ballard here to Tea, her Child is better. at home.
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July 31 - August 13, 1800
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