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October 30 - November 8, 1799
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30 4


Cloudy part of the day. mrss Smith left at 10hm. mr Ballard and went [sic] to the hous to work Early. I have done my hous work and pikt wool, Lydia Spun. at home, mrss Smith left here.
31 5


Cloudy the most of the day. mr Ballard to the hous, Cyrus got wood. I have Done my hous work and pikt wool. mrs Hitty Pierce Dind here. Lydia Spun. at home.
1 6


Clear forn, Cloudy aftern and Cold. I did my hous work. mr Ballard and Cyrus went to our hous, Carried the ash Box, a Bed and bedstead, and Beets & F. Turnips & Gardin roots. mr Ballard and I attended Lecture. we were invited to take Tea with Colo North. mrss Dingley and mrs Paten here when I was gone. I pikt wool ys Evn. at Lecture. the text is PSalm 4th, 4 vrs. we took Tea at Colo Norths.
2 7


Clear Part of ye Day. mr Ballard & Cyrus to ye house. I have Done hous work, Bakt & Brewd. 2 indiens Dined here. Lydia Spun 1 Skein hose yn and helpt me do the other work. Thoms Devenport here, wishes me to be ready to wait on his wife in Decemr next. at home.
3 1


Clear. we all attended public worship. mr Ballard, my Self and Cyrus partook of a good Dinner at Son Lambds; his Father there; mr Gill [&] wife and Dagt Ballard. mr Kitridge Calld on me there to go and See his youngest Child, it has some Canker in the mouth. A mr Aime Sleeps here, from Green. I wrot a Letter to send by him to Sister walers. at meeting. the Sacramant of the Supper was administred. I wrote at Evn to Sister Waters. Son Town & Eunice Stackpole [were marrid].
4 2


Clear and pleast. mr Ballard and Cyrus up to the house. I have Done hous work, Doubled wick yarn and mended Small Cloaths for mr Ballard. Lydia Spun. at home.
5 3


Clear. mr Ballard Surveying for mr Vauhn. I have Done my hous work, Cleand the Store Chamber and put up Some things for mooving. pickt wool at Evn. Cyrus workt at Jonas. at home.
6 4


Clear Part of the day. I have Done my house work and Cleand and Swept the west Chamber. I pickt wool at Evng. mr Ballard Surveying for mr Vn. Cyrus went up after ye Team and hauld a load wood for mr Fletcher and got Some to the hous. Lydia finisht Spining the grey hoes yarn. at home.
7 5

Birth James Blacks Dagt.

Clear and pleasant but some windy. I was Calld to See mrss Black at 7h 30m morn. Shee was unwell all day, her women were Calld at 9h Evn and Shee was Deld at 11h 20m of her 4th Dagt and 6th Child. I tarried all night, David Pollards wife allso. at mr Blacks. Birth 49th.
8 6


Clear morn, Cloudy aftern, rain at Evn. I returnd home at 1h pm, left my Patients Cleverly. I helpt do my washing, wound yarn and knitt Some. I was at Moses Partridges and Ezekiel Pages in ye foren. mr Ballard and Cyrus to our house yesterd & this. at Ditoes. 1 year ys day my Dagt [Town] Expird.
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October 30 - November 8, 1799
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