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April 24 - 30, 1799
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24 4

X. Birth Daniel Heartfds 3d Dagt. XX.

Snowd. I was Calld at 2h morn to See mrss Heartford who was in Labour, her marm was there. mrss Haywood & Bell were Calld and Shee was Safe Deld of a fine Dagt at 6h, I returnd home at 2 PM in a Sleigh. mrss Heartford had two Childn Born ye 20th of June last. at mr Heartfords. Birth 17th. I receivd 12/ as a rewd.
25 5


Clear and Pleast, but the roads are very bad. this Day is apointed (by our worthy President to be observd as a Day of humiliation and Prayer through out the United States. mr Ballard and Cyrus attend worship, Sally went to her Fathers after meeting. at home.
26 6


Clear and Cool. I finisht hatcheling my flax. Becky Sewall Came here to Spin yarn for a hernis. mr Ballard been to work at his Seller, mr Waid helpt him. at home. Becky Sewall here.
27 7


Clear forenn, Cloudy aftern, Snowd before night. mr Heartford Calld me about 2h pm to See his wife who has a very ill turn. her marm went with us, we batht her and used Such remedies as gave her relief. I returnd home at Evn. mrs Sewal Sleeps here. at mr Heartfords, his wife was very ill but is Some Easier.
28 1


Cloudy and very bad wriding. mr Ballard and Son Cyrus went to meeting. Becky Sewall wrode home on our hors at noon. Ephm here at Evn. I am informd that mrss Heartford is Cleverly. at home. mrs Sewall went from here at nn.
29 2

X. Birth Jessy Kimbals Dagt. XX.

Cloudy. I was Calld at 2h morn to go and See the wife of Jessy Kimbal who was in her Labour. I went to the Brick yard of Norcross on foot, then by water. we arivd where the patient was at 4, and Shee was Deld of her 3d Dagt and 4th Child at 5. I, after necesary Performances, returnd home at 9h morn. at Jessy Kimbals. Birth 18th. recd 9/ as a reward.
30 3

X. Birth Stutely Springers Son & 7th Child. XX.

Clear & Showers by turns. mrss Capen & Dagt Lambard here, Moses Partridges wife & Lidia Densmore allso. mr Ballard been to work on his house. I was Calld at Sun Sett to go to See the wife of Stutely Springer who is in Labour. I arivd there after Dusk in Evn. this was the 29th at Springers. Clear, my Patient was Safe Deld at 5h m of a fine Son. I Sett out for home after Breakfast. Calld to See mrss Ball, find her very Low with a Soar Breast. Spoke with Dagt Ballard, Le faett has a Sweling on his throat. mr Ballard is up there to work, Cyrus Carting wood, Sally washing, Jason Livermore Came home last Evng. at Stutely Springers. Birth 19th. the inft wd 9 lb. recd fee at Hamln Store.
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April 24 - 30, 1799
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