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February 17 - 23, 1799
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17 1


Cloudy, Snowd some. the old house Sheep [brot] two Ew lambs. I went to the barn to take Care of them. mr Ballard, Cyrus and Sally went to meeting. [at home.]
18 2


Clear the most of the Day. the Doctr Came and Drest the Lamb arm, Says it is in a fine way. mr Ballard went up to ye fort. mr Allin of monmoth here with his wife, they dind with me. at home. mr Allin & wife Dind here.
19 3

X. Birth Rhubin Branards Son. XX.

Clear and Cool at 1h this morn when I was Calld by mr Wood to go and See the wife of Rhubin Branard who was in Labour. I arivd there at 3h m, found they had Calld Old Lady Whiting. there were Some obstructions to remove. when Performd the patient was Safe Deld of her 3d Son at 5h morn. I left her and inft as well as Could be Expected and arivd at home at 10h morn. I receivd 9/ as a reward. I find Eliphalet Cleverly. mr Ballard went to Son Jonas, Cyrus is Dresing flax. at [Rhubin Branards] [   ]. [Birth 5th]. [recd]9/ [as a rewd].
20 4


Clear. I have been at home helping do my house work. I Bakt mins Pies. Sally to Singing. at [home].
21 5


Clear. I was at home till 11h Evn when I Sett out with mr Saml Redington to See his Lady who was in Labour. I arivd there at 1h morn. at [home] till Evn.
22 6

X. [Birth Saml Redingtons Son]. XX.

raind, haild & Snowd. mrss Redington was very unwell all day. Shee was Safe Deld at 7h Evn of her Second Child, and first Son, a fine Child which wd 11 lb. 4 oz.. I tarried all night, my Patients are Cleverly. at [Redingtons, Varsalboro. Birth] 6th. [   ] 14/4 [as] a [reward.]
23 7


Clear and Cold. me Capin Calld me to See his Childn who are Sick with the Rash, [Zepasha] Seems the illest. I returnd (after a short tarry there) to mr Redingtons, and he Conducted [me homeward as far as Son Lambards where we Dind. Son Pollard there. my Son Ephm Conducted me home]. at [      ].
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February 17 - 23, 1799
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