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February 24 - 27, 1797
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The Feb. 26 entry is mentioned in a list Laurel Ulrich compiled of all Medicinal Ingredients Mentioned in Martha Ballard's Diary
24 6


Clear. mr Ballard went to Dresden. Son Jona Came for me to go and See his infant who is not So well as they Could wish. I Calld at mr Dingleys to See their infant, it has the Cough but is not so ill as it has been. Dagt Ballard is as well as Could be Expectd. Jack went home with us, Le faett & Hannah are with their aunt Hitty. at Son Jonas. at mr Dingleys.
25 7

X Birth Ebenzr Hewens Dagt. XX.

Clear morn, Snowd before 11h. I was Calld by a mr Morril to See the wife of mr Ebnzr Hewin the at 3h morn, Shee was Safe Deld at 5 of a Daugtr, her 4th Child. I left her and infant Cleverly and arivd at home at 11h morn, mr Hewin acompanied me and gave me 9/ as a Compensation for my Service. at Ebenz Hewens. Birth13th. receivd 9/.
26 A

X Birth mr Finneys Second Dagt. XX.

Clear. I was oblidged to rise at 2h morn to take Care of Sally fletcher who was Seisd with puking, I gave her the tincture of red pepper, Shee Soon revived and went to rest. I went to bed again, was Calld at 4 to go and See mrss Finny who was in Labour and was Deld of a Daught at 5h 30m. the infant Survivd about one hour and Expird with out any aparant distress, it Seemd to be Struck with a mortification. I put on the grave Cloaths. tarried till aftern and was Conducted home, left mrss Finny as well as Could be Expected, Shee has had the hooping Cough. our hors was Sick directly after we arivd at mr Finnys. at mr Finneys. Birth 14th. the inft Expired being one hour old. receivd 6/7 augst 26.
27 2

Birth Moses Frenchs Dagt.

Snowd. Sally washt, I did house work foren, was very unwell aftern. was Calld at 4h 40m to go and See the wife of Moses French who was in Labour and was Safe Deld at 8h 30m Evng of her 4th Dagt. I tarried all night. our women were mrss Tilor, two mrss Moors, mrss Welman & Coy. mr Wilm Moore Conducted me to the Patient. at Moses Frenchs. Birth 15th.
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February 24 - 27, 1797
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