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June 20 - 27, 1796
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20 2


Clear. I have been at home, feel very unwell but have my work to do. Son Jon a here at Evn, informs that Rhuth Lee is thought to be near the Close of life, and that a mrss [Kimble] Expired last evn at the hous of Ziba Petingail. Shee was Mother to his wife; Came to visit her Child and lived but 4 hours after Shee arivd. at home. Son Jona [here] at Evn.
21 3


Clear and very warm. I have been at home, am unwell yet. mrs Dingly here aftern, it Seems Cleverly to See her So kind. at home.
22 4


Clear. I have wed my Beens, Cleand my Seller and Done my house work, but feel very unable. Cyrus & Ebenz finisht weading our Corn. I hear that mrs Lee is yet living. at home.
23 5

X. Birth mr Rolandss Son & 4th Child. XX.

Cloudy. I was Calld at 1h morn to See the wife of mr Rollands of the South Parrish. Shee was in Labour and was Safe Deld of a fine Son at 6h 30m, and I returnd home at 1h pm. left my patients Cleverly. I receivd as a reward 9/. Cyrus and Ebenz brot Poles for our beens and Sett them. Cyrus went to mill. at mr Rolandss. Birth 32nd. receivd 9/.
24 6


Clear. I have been at home, feel a little more Comfortable but not able to perform what I have to Do. at home. receivd a Letter from mr Ballard 20th inst.
25 7


Clear. I have been at home, very unwell the most of the Day. I washt my west room aftern. at home.
26 B


Clear and very warm. I was at home all Day, had a very ill turn at Evn. mrs Ficky here, eat Dinner. at home. feel very unwell.
27 2


Clear, a Cooler air. Sally Cocks Came and washt for me. I drest 6 lb Butter, have been very unwell. Sally ironed my Cloaths and washt my Bed rooms and kitchen. at home.
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June 20 - 27, 1796
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