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November 20 - 24, 1791
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20 B


Clear & pleast. mr Brdwl Livermore Calld on me this morn, favrs me with Carrying a Letter to Doct Waters. I went to See mr Densmores famely, the inft is very ill; the other Childn much as they have been. I Came home, Supt & went back & watcht. Elephelet Robbins Came there for me to go to mr Pollards, Betsy Heuston being very Sick, but I Could not go. at mr [Densmors].
21 2


Cloudy. I Came home. Cyrus went to his mill, Dolly to mr Densmores. the ice was Stopt here ys morn, movd again at Evng tide. a Smart rain in the night which opind the river. at Ditoes.
22 3


Cloudy part of the Day, the Sun Sett Clear. mr Ballard returnd and mr Town Came with him for me to go to his house. Cyrus Came here, brot us [much Lame]. the Gentle men who were Chosen as referees in the Cause between Peter Jones & my Son Jona Sett this day. they gave Jones £8 damage & the Cost of Coart was 2 pound 5/. I Could wish my son might learn to govern his temper for the futer. at home. mr Ballard returnd. Joness & Jonas [referees].
23 4


Clear. mr Town & I left my house at 8h this morn, we were put to Some dificulty at the ferry, but Got Safe over at 11 h, and arivd at mr Towns at 6h Evn; found them well. mrss Stackpool & Strattne there quillting a Coat for mrs Barton, we got it out. I was fatagud, but went to bed & had rest. I went to mr Towns.
24 5

X. Birth Son Towns [6]th Dagt. XX.

Cloudy. my Dagt was Seisd with her Labour, her women were Calld and Shee was Safe Deld of a Dagt at 10 h Evn. I Sett up with her thro ye night. Shee was faint when we put her in Bed, but revivd & is Cleverly. this is her 8th Child. a rainy night. at Son Towns. Birth 31st.
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November 20 - 24, 1791
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