The Official Story
Chapter 17

The Foster epilogue

Very little is known about the lives of Isaac and Rebecca Foster after they left Hallowell. But you can find several interesting clues in the archives. In this 1792 diary entry of the minister Ezra Stiles, written while traveling through Westchester County NY, he reported, "Isaac Foster still at Bedford in the Parsonage House, but don't preach --- drinks a Quart Rum a Day. Wife handsome but mentis inops. Poor. Works for Colonel Sacket. A Devil incarnate -- an abandoned Minister!"

A 19th century history of Westchester County NY reported that Isaac Foster preached for two years in Bedford, New York, before leaving,"as tradition reports, with his name and that of his wife in bad repute."

The next clue appears in "The Eastern Shore Churchman" from 1927. Isaac Foster shows up as the minister of an Episcopal church in Rehoboth, Maryland from 1795 until his death in 1800. And a newspaper abstract from Princess Anne, Maryland tells us that according to Foster family lore, after Isaac's death, Rebecca Foster left for Peru with her youngest son to search for gold.

What did Martha have to say about this?

The Foster story in the official town history
The Conclusion of One Rape. Two Stories.

Read the other version of the story from the beginning

Table of Contents

The Literary Diary of Ezra Stiles, Vol. 3
Dexter, Franklin Bowditch
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 Frontispiece   Title page     Page 474   Page 475 


Page 474

  It was further agreed that the Corpora & Coll. Officers shd all walk by themselves as a Body succeeded by the Treasr, Profess. & Tutors. Between the Tutors & the Clergy, to be placed Members of Congress, Councillors & eminent Civilians: then succeed the Reverend Ministers. The President to be preceded by the Undergraduates, Candidates Bach. & Masters, & the Bedellus Sheriff Fitch. The Order of Rank & Procession thus settled, we proceeded to other preparatory Business, and agreed to confer the hony Deg. of A.M. upon Dan1 Dewey Esq. and the Hon. Wm Hillhouse; the Deg. of LL.D. on Judge Marchant, Hon. Jno Worthington & Lt Gov. Wolcott; the Deg. of S.T.D. upon Revd Isaac Lewis, & upon Revd Rich' Mansfield an Episco Clergyman-this the first Insta of a theological Doctorate conferred in Yale Coll. on an Episcopal Clergyman. This brought us to Eveng when we adjourned to Morng.
   12. COMMENCEMENT. A fine pleasant Day.-The Procession accordg to the Order settled proceeded to the Brick Meetg ; where the Corpora only were situated upon the Stage on each Wing of the Pulpit: the rest of the Stage left open for the Performers. The Process. was accompanied alongside by a Band of six Musicians with Clarionets, Fr. Horns &c. from New York, which played excellently. Havg entered the Meetghouse, the Exercises were as follows
  Anthem & Musick
An Eng. Oration by Asa Chapman
Forensic Disputation by Sir Hoyt & Sir Sherman 2.
A Hebrew Oration by Sir Cooley
An English Dialogue by Sir Hedges, Marcht, Esten, Savage
Eng. Orat. by Sir Lothrop
A Greek Dialogue between Sir Wms & Sir Chauncy
An Eng. Oration by Sir Botsford.

    Dinner in Coll. Hall 140 present


An Eng. Orat. by Mr. Tutor Basset on the great and happy
   Event of a Union of Civilians & Ecclesiastics in the Govt
   of the University.
A Latin Orat. on the same subject by the President
An Eng. Orat. by Mr. Edwds
A latin Valedy Orat. by Mr. Pynchon
The Graduation-71 Degrees
Anthem   Musick
Prayer concluded : finished at Sunset.
Procession returned to Chapel-About 80 or 90 Ministers present.