by the said Road about thirty four Poles thence
East Southeast three hundred and twenty Poles to Kennebeck River thence
Northerly up said River to the first mentioned Bounds and contains about
sixty eight Acres more or less in being the Northerly Part of Lot Number
four on a Plan made by Nathan Winslow Surveyor dated June seventeenth
in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty one reference
threto being had. -- To have and to hold the same to the said Isaac Foster
his Heirs and Assigns to his and their Use and Behoof forever. -- And
I do covenant with the said Isaac Foster his Heirs and Assigns
that I am lawfully seized in Fee of the Premises that they are free of
all Incumbrances that I have good Right to sell and convey the same to
the said Foster and that I will warrant and defend the same to the said
Foster his Heirs and Assigns forever against the lawful Claims and demands
of all Persons. And I Susanna Cowen Wife of said Ephraim Cowen in testimony
of my consent and relinquishment of my thirds and right of Dower have
hereunto set my hand and Seal this twenty fifth Day of June in the year
of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven. Eph.m
Cowen and a Seal. Susanna Cowen and a Seal. Signed sealed and delivered
in presence of us Will.m Howard Nathaniel Floyd.
-- Lincoln Ss October 15. 1788 -- Then the
within named Ephraim Cowen appeared and acknowledged the within Instrument
to be his Act and Deed. Before one Joseph North Just. peace--
Rec. July 10 1788 and entered & examined
by Tho.s Rice