The Official Story
Chapter 4
More suits and countersuits
Henry Sewall appealed to the higher court in Pownalboro. When he was denied a continuance, he finally paid the fine to Foster.
The Sewalls then took Foster to court.
Henry Sewall's diary entries for April 26 and May 1, 1788 show that Henry's cousin Thomas Sewall, who'd rented a house to the Fosters, sued Isaac Foster for back rent. He won the case and collected three shillings plus costs.
Again, the situation escalated. Take a look at Henry Sewall's diary eight days after Thomas Sewall won his case. You can see that Isaac Foster turned around and sued Henry and Thomas Sewall for defamation -- for a second time. This time, Henry paid a Mr. Blake three dollars and two thousand wooden shingles "to procure evidence against Mr. Foster.". Several weeks later, Mr. Blake returned with depositions

Table of Contents
April 21 through April 30, 1788
April, 1788. Hallowell.
between him & Isaac Savage 2.d
and proceeded to view the premises -- dined
at Mr. Woodward's, and returned to Mr. Pollard; where
we completed our award -- in which we valued the said land (being part of
lot 29. on the 2 mile west side of Kinnebec) at 16 / p/acre, &c., &c.,
Tuesday 22.
Wedsday 23. |
______ Sat in reference with Colo. Howard
on a dispute between Colo. North & Mr. Elijah Davis respecting
their accounts. In our award we curtailed Colo. North's 15£ &c.. |
Thursday 24. |
______Recd. a letter from
my Parents by Jno. Bradbury, dated 19. inst. |
Friday 25. |
Went to Badcock's Mill & had 5900
Board laid off for me on Jermh Badcock's account. |
Saturday 26. |
Mr. Chace hewed some fence Posts for me. [Began
the Bible the second time in course].
Yesterday W. T. Lewall sued Mr. Foster on an account
for house hire, &c. |
Sunday 27. |
Met at my house. |
Monday 28. |
Met [the Selectman] at my house to make
the Highway rate. |
Tuesday 29. |
Met again. |
Wedsday 30. |
Met again, except Capt.Carr.