raing. I am at Son Ephms, his wife as wel as Can be Expected.
at [Detoes].
Clear. I am at my Son Ephms, my Dagt as wel as Could be Expected.
at Ditoes..
Clear. I am at Son Ephms. Sally Cumings washt, Shee Complains of
a pain in her head.
at Ditoes.
Clear. I am at my sons, Sally C not able to do much work. my Daugt
was very unwel at night. I Slept but little.
at Ditoes.
Clear. Sally Farewel Conducted me home and Dagt Lambd went down
with her. Son Ephms wife Seems more Comfortable. mrs Gill here,
Sleeps here.
at ditoes.
Clear and very warm Except A lite Shower near night. I have gathered
Beens & Pees, Sent Some to Son Ephms, his wife is Cleverly.
mr Ballard been to Hallooell Surveying. Saml Gill Came Came
[sic] here for his Sister.
at home. Old mrs Parker here.
raind. mr Ballard went to the Settlement, Bot 2 lb Sugar, _ do
Tea & 1 do Butter, _gn Spirrit, _ Bsl
Corn. I have Spent ye day fixing herbs to
drie & make ointment of. mrs Brooks & John Browns wife
at home. mrs Brooks & Brown here. Allin Sett
out for Bath.
Clear. I have done hous work and got in herbs and parsnip Seeds.
Son Jonas wife here to Tea. I have Bakt Brown bread &C.
at home. Daught Pollard 39 years old ys
Clear. Dagt Lambd went to Meeting. I got ready to go aftn when
[news] Came that mr Andrus was Dead. mr [Lambard] went & returnd.
I went, a Prayer was Deld by Revd mr Stone, Discoarst from.
[no entry].
at mrs Andrus, her husband Expird [Sudingly] very
[ ].