Martha Ballard's Diary, April 6 - 11, 1807

6 2
X. Birth Warin Stones Daugt. XX.
Clear. I was Calld at 2h ys morn to Warrin Stones wife who was in Labour. mr Soal got out of bed when I got to Son Jonas and assisted me. I arivd Safe though the traveting was very bad by reason of ye Snow being Drifted. the Patient was Safe Deld at 1h ys morn of a Daugt, her first Child by ys Mariage. I returnd home at 11h 30m. mr Ballard and Son Cyrus went to Town meeting. at Warrin Stones. Birth 7th. June 30th receivd6/ of Warrin Stones wife in Part of my demand. recvd 3/ by JohnWall.  
7 3
Clear and more moderate. I have done my washing and hous wk, Shoveled a path to my wel. mr Ballard went to Son Pollards. at home.  
8 4
Clear. mr Ballard returnd from Son Pollards, informs yt Rhoda is very unwel. I have done some washing & Bakt Brown & flower bread and mins Pies. I feel very much fatagued. Joanny Smith Came in, Shee did my ironing and took Tea with us. Jona & Willian Supt allso. at home Joanny Smith here.  
9 5
Clear. it is Fast day. mr Ballard & Cyrus to meeting. I have been at home. mr Soal, who livs with Son Ephm, Calld here. at home. an infant of Robinson ye Taylor Expired.  
10 6
Clear part of ye day. I have been at home. mrs Smith here for Safron &C. at home.  
11 7
Clear and Cool. I have been at home, had my Leach tub Sett up in my kitchen. I have knit Some and done my hous work. mr Ballard is Lamb in his hand. at home, had the Collic ys aftern & all night.  

Source: Transcription courtesy of Robert and Cynthia McCausland.