Clear. I have sorted apples and measured my Corn, had 15 Bushel
at home.
Birth Son Lambards 4th Son.
Clear. I have washt. Sally removd into my North room. Doct Cony to See her. I was Calld at Evn to Dagt Lambard, Shee was Safe Deld at 11h Evn of her 4th son & 6th Child. it wd 12_lb. Shee is Cleverly.
at Son Lambd. Birth 9th.
Clear. Son Lambd Conducted the women home and went for
mrs Conry to Nurs, arivd with her at 3h ys morn.
at Ditoes.
Clear. my Dagt is Cleverly.
at Ditos.
Clear. I knit Some and tryed hoggs Lard.
at Ditos.
Clear. Dagt Lambd had an ill turn. we gave her feaver
fue and Shee is better.
at Dito.
Clear. mrs Conry washt. Shee was Calld by Wilm Stickney to Nurs his wife. Polly Allin Came at Evn.
at Ditoes. mrs Conry [went] away.
Clear. my Dagt was very ill at night. we were up with her the most
of the night. I feel feeble.
at [Ditoes], my Dagt unwel.
Clear. Polly Allin went home. mr Lambd gave her 3/ for her [Service].
at Ditoes.
Clear. I feel very unwel but went to Son Ephms, find
him [wounded]. left my Daugt Better. it is thanksgiving
[at dito] & at Son Ephms.
raind. I am at Son Ephms, his Chimney is Building by
[mr] Saunders.
at Son Ephms, he is very Lambe