Martha Ballard's Diary, October 25 - 27, 1804

25 5
Clear. I have been geting wood and fatagued much to do it. I broke old loggs with an Old hough and brot in the pieces in a baskett, and O how fatagued I was. Doct Howard Calld to See mrs Farewel. Sally was at Son Jonas on a visit. Shee [informd] me at Evng that my Son was Delermennd to Come in to this hous within a fortnit and that I might tarrie here [or] go and liv in their hous and See how good it was to bring water from this wel. O thou Parent of ye universe, Cutt Short thine aflictions and Sufer me thine unworthy hand maid to See Some Comfort before I go hence. at home, falagueing very much. I began to wash after 9h Evng and washt my Cloaths in 2 waters.  
26 6
Clear part of ye day. I have been giting wood and finishing my wash that I began last night after 9h Evng. Son Jonas wife here to Spin thread. I Brot a Burthen of Bark after Sun Sett which took me 300 & 50 Steps. O thal I might be patient. at home.  
27 7
Snowd. I have had to go out to feed my Swine, milk my Cow, get in the wood, &C, A mr Spaldin who livs with Son Lambd Calld in and got Stakes out of ye snow for me to keep a fire ys Day. at home.  

Source: Transcription courtesy of Robert and Cynthia McCausland.