Martha Ballard's Diary, December 26 - 31, 1803

26 2
Cloudy. I have done my hous wk but am very unwel. Sons Jona, Lambd and their wives to Son Pollards. at home.  
27 3
Cloudy. I am very unwell. mr Waid here, Butchered two Swine for us and 1 for Jona. I have been very unwel and Old Lady Cypher Came and assisted us to do the work. at home. we had our Swine Butcherd. I am very Sick. mrs Cypher helpt me.  
28 4
Clear. mr Waid Cut up our pork & Salted it. mrs Cypher helpt me, I feel more Comfortable. at home. mrs Cypher helpt me.  
29 5
Clear. mrs Cypher washt. I am So wel as to help her. mrs Farewel Calld here. at home. mrs Cypher helpt me.  
30 6
Clear morn, Cloudy aftern. Rachel Town returnd. I have finisht trying my hoggs Lard, Cut Sauches meet and done other matters. Rachel washt the floor and ironed after Shee returnd. Allin Lambard Sleeps here this night & ye 3 past. at home. Rachel returnd, has been gone 2 weaks & 1 day.  
31 7
Clear and very Pleast for the last day of ye year. I have been at home doing the business of my hous. mr Ballard returnd from his Surveying at Reeds field as well as Could be Expected. he this Evng paid his tax for ye prest year to Leut John Shaw Junr, and took his receipt in full. this year is now near a Clos, God grant we may begin the ensewing in peas [and] happiness. at home. mr Ballrd returnd. he paid his Taxes to John Shaw Junr.  

Source: Transcription courtesy of Robert and Cynthia McCausland.