Martha Ballard's Diary, August 10 - 17, 1803

10 4
Clear. I have Cleand Seller [&] washt Some. mrs Crocket here, Cyrus to ye Stores, &C. at home.  
11 5
Clear. I feel unwell but have done my work. Betsy Andrus piking my wool. at home.  
12 6
X. Birth Saml [Clearks] 2nd Dagt. XX.
Clear. mr Simion Clearks Lady [&] Dagt Ballard dind with me. I made my Self ready and Sett out, as soon as Cyrus Came home, for mr Clearks. met him by mr Cyphers, reacht there at 4 Pm, his wife was Safe Deld at 5 of her Second Child & Dagt; her first is 7 years old this month. Dagt Pollard went up with us. mrs Crosby, Bisby, Mosier, Cleark & Keton attended. Oliv Fletcher Came to Nurs at 9h this Evng. at Saml Clearks. Birth 10th. recd 12/ as a reward.  
13 7
Clear. I returnd, Calld at Son Pollard and Georg Boltons. Shee Complains of her Breast. I Calld at mr Edsons, Came home wrote a Letter to Bror Jona to Send by her. was Calld in hast to go to John Boltons wife, it was Cloudy and very dark before we reacht there. I Slept very little ys night. at John Boltons, his wife ill. I wrote Bror Jona by mrs Edson.  
14 1
X. Birth John Bollons first Dagt. XX.
raind ys morn. my Patient was Safe deld at 9h ys morn of a Dagt, her first Born. I returnd home at 2 aftn. Calld at Crockets, his Child very unwell. he Came to me and had Syrip of BalSon for it. at Ditos. Birth 11th. March 22nt [1806]receivd of James Bolton a pair Shoes & 1 lb. Sugar.  
15 2
Clear. I have been at home. Dagt Ballard and part of her Childn here to Tea. Cyrus brot 9lb roals from ye masheen. at home, Dagt Ballard here.  
16 3
Clear. I have wash Cloaths & kitchen and workt in my Gardin. Cyrus Carried my wool to mrs Coal to spin. Dagt Ballard and mrs Crocket here. at home.  
17 4
Clear. I have been at home, Cut herbs   

Source: Transcription courtesy of Robert and Cynthia McCausland.