Martha Ballard's Diary, January 1 - 6, 1803

1 7
Clear. I have been at home, mended Cloaths. Nabby went away to Hollowell at 11h Am. I have had ye afternn work to do. at home. Nabby to ye hook.  
2 1
X. Birth Benn Waids 2nd Son. XX.
Clear morn, Cloudy part ye Day. I was Calld at 5h ys morn to go and See mrss Waid, Shee was Deld of a son at 10. I left her and infant as well as Could be Expected and arivd at home at 3 pm. we went to my Sons to dine, or rather Sup, after meeting. Nabby Came at 10h Evn, then went to Jonas. at mr Waids. Birth 1st. receivd 4:6. 
3 2
Clear and very Cold. Nabby is at my Sons. Allin & Ephm here. I have done my work, Sett up till 12. at home.  
4 3
X. Birth Anthony Brackets Dagt. XX.
Clear and very Cold foren, more moderate aftern. I was Calld at 4h morn to See the wife of Anthony Bracket. Shee was, after hard Labour, Safe Deld at 4h 30m Evn of her 4th Child and first Daughtr and I Came home at 7. I spent ye Evng kniting. Hannah, Wilm & Sally Ballard Sleep here, their dady & marm gone to Son Lambds. at mr Brackets. Birth 2nd. receivd 6/.  
5 4
Cloudy part of ye day. mr Waid Butchered our OXen, they wd 160. I helpt about the work till near night and was much fatagued. at home. our OXen were killed. Son Lambd here.  
6 5
raind foren, windy aftern. I have been doing about the work, Cuting the tallow and trying part of it, washt the Entralls and Put them in Lye to Boil. at home.  

Source: Transcription courtesy of Robert and Cynthia McCausland.