Martha Ballard's Diary, July 25 - 31, 1802

25 1
Clear and warm. Dagt Pollard Spent this day, or ye most of it, with me. I have been more Comfortable than I was yesterday. Son Lambd, his wife and Son Pollard, Jona, his wife & Childn and mrs Getchel Dind here after meeting. we had string Beens and green Peas. I feel not so well at Evng. Son Pollard Conducted his wife home, their Childn are not so well as usual. it is Expected they are about haveing the measels. at home. my [Childn] here to Dine, and 7 Grand Childn
26 2
Clear and warm. I have been very unwell, Pukt this morn. my husband been after Some one to take Some Care of me, but did not Suckseed. Dagt Ballard Came in, made my Bed and Brusht the rooms. May it pleas God to direct us to Some one who may have pitty on my Case and grant me Such assistance as my Case requires, or give me to acquiess in his divine will. at home, very unwell.  
27 3
Cloudy, heavy thunder aftern. I have been very feeble. Lydia Hallowell here, Cut part of my Sage for mrs Gill. at home.  
28 4
Clear. Menasa Duttuns wife Came here to help me. I wrode to my Sons to See mrs Getchel, Shee has the Collic. mrs Farewell Calld here. Son Jona returnd from winslow. Son Towns Famely are well. at my Sons. mrss [Gitchel] is Seck there.  
29 5
Clear part ye day. mrs Duttun wacht. I have done part of my hous work & knit Some. mrs Hity Pierce Dind here. mrs Dattun went home at Evn. I paid her 3/ for her Service. mr Ballard and Cyrus been to Town meeting. at home, feel better.  
30 6
Cloudy and misty. mr Ballard to mr Vaughns. Doct Cony Calld and left me Some pill [Cocha] and a blister. I have been So well as to Sew on a Shirt. at home, feel some better.  
31 7
Clear and warm. my blister allmost makes me Seck. Wm Webber & wife dind here. Jona & wife gone to Sydni. at home, have a blister.  

Source: Transcription courtesy of Robert and Cynthia McCausland.