Martha Ballard's Diary, August 20 - 26, 1801

20 5
Clear. I have been at home, did Some matters in my Gardin. Sally Cypher Came to help me. mr James Waw Sleeps here. I am informd yt mr Dickmans infant was interd. it departed its short life yesterday, he had Convultion fitts himself. mr Ballard & Cyrus at Coart. at home. mr Wow Sleeps [here]. mr Dickmns inft [interd]. mr Ballard Surveyed for mr Petingail yeslerday.  
21 6
Clear and very warm. mr Ballard & Cyrus are Down in Town. I do not feel very fitt for business but have to help do my work. mrs Farewell, Dagt Ballard and a mr Pierce from New Salem took Tea here. by ye Laller we receivd a Letter, of 14th inst, from Sister Marvin which informd Shee was well. at home. we receivd a Letter of 14thinst from Sister Marvin.  
22 7
Clear. mr Peirce Sett out for Hamden. I have been very unwell. mr Ballard Surveying for Geo Hodgskin. at home. mr Ballard Surveying.  
23 1
Clear, Except Showers. mr Ballard to meeling. mr Cushman Performd. I have been more Comfortable. Jona and famely here. Sally Cypher went home, here nose Bled 4 or 5 times ys day. at home. mr Lambd went on Board CaptPool Bound for Boston.  
24 2
Clear. I have been very unwell. Dagt Ballard Came and did my hous work. Phebe Church Came after noon and part did my washing. the wind brisk to ye N wd.   
25 3
Clear. Phebe finisht my washing and went. I have been Some more Comfortable. at home.  
26 4
Clear. Phebe did my morning work & went home. Dagt Ballard & I made 12 DoZn Candles. mr Ballard Surveying for James Howard. at home, made Candles; 12 DoZn.  

Source: Transcription courtesy of Robert and Cynthia McCausland.